Cooper Bussmann®PowerStor®supercapacitors
are unique,ultra-high capacitance devices utilizing
electrochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC) construction
combined with new,high performance materials. This
combination of advanced technologies allows Cooper Bussmann
to offer a wide variety of capacitor solutions tailored to specific
applications that range from a few micro-amps for several days
to several amps for milliseconds.
SupercapacitorsKS Series
1207 BU-SB07396 Page 1 of 2 Data Sheet 4303
Surface Mount Device
Features & Benefits
• Eco-friendly
• Long cycle life
• High-rated voltage
• Small-sized and large capacity
• RTC back-up (MP3, PMP,MD player) DSC Wireless & cellular
• Pagers & PDAs
• Solar watch, solar calculators
Standard Products
Nominal Part Nominal ESR (Ω) Nominal Dimensions (mm) Typical Mass
Capacitance Number (Equivalent Series Resistance) (grams/1 piece)
(F) Measured @ 1kHz Diameter Thickness
0.33 KS-2R8334-R 100 6.8 2.1 0.25
0.22 KS-3R3224-R 200 6.8 2.1 0.25
Parameter Capacitance Change ESR
(% of initial measured value) (% of initial specified value)
Life (1000 hrs @ 70°C @ 3.3Vdc) <30 <400
Storage - Low and High Temperature <30 <400
(1000 hrs @ -25°C and 70°C)
Working Voltage 2.8V 3.3V
Surge Voltage 2.8V 3.3V
Nominal Capacitance Range 0.33F 0.22F
Capacitance Tolerance -20% to +80% (20°C) -20% to +80% (20°C)
Operating Temperature Range -25°Cto 70°C -10°C to 60°C