© 2009 DHD Deubner Hoffmann Digital GmbH
9Series 52 - 52/RX Mixing Console Installation Guide
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Allied Telesyn
12x RJ45
1x SC
Allied Telesyn
8x RJ45
The meaning of the LEDs are identical for the RM420-852 and the RM420-853 Communication Controller modules.
Meaning of the LEDs of the RM420-852 and the RM420-853
Communication Controller modules.
1.Reserved for future functions.
2.RM420-852/853: Reserved for future functions. | RM420-852B/853B: Booting process successful ("Done"), must always
turn on several seconds after switching on or resetting the module. During operation, the LED is then permanently
illuminated. On the RM420-852/853 the corresponding LED is located behind the front panel above the USB connector
and is only visible through the little gap.
3.This LED is permanently on if a connection is established to the controller network.
4.The LED flashes during data is received from the controller network.
5.This LED is permanently on if a connection is established to the DHD network.
6.The LED flashes during data is received from the DHD network.