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DX404/DX504/DX604 User’s Guide & Operating Manual
B.3 List of Commands
a) Frequency tuning: <FREQ><CR>
b) Channel tuning: #<FREQ><CR>
c) Frequency scanning step size: *92<STEP><CR>
d) Tuner Select: *1# <TN><CR> (1 or more tuners)
e) Turning ON or OFF the display: *#<CR>
f) Unlocking the keypad: *055<CR>
g) Tuning the audio sub-carrier frequencies (DX504/DX604 only):
Audio1: *21# <FREQ><CR>
Audio2: *22# <FREQ><CR>
h) Setting the audio sub-carrier bandwidth:
Audio1: *211<CR> sets Audio1 bandwidth to Narrow.
*210<CR> sets Audio1 bandwidth to Wide.
Audio2: *221<CR> sets Audio2 bandwidth to Narrow.
*220<CR> sets Audio2 bandwidth to Wide.
i) Changing the video bandwidth (DX504 only):
*32<CR> changes the video bandwidth to 27 MHz.
*31<CR> changes the video bandwidth to 16 MHz.
j) Inverting the polarity of the video output:
*42<CR> sets the video output to negative video.
*41<CR> restores video output to positive video.
k) Adding audio sub-carriers to the video output (DX504/DX604 only):
*51<CR> sets the video output to video with no audio.
*52<CR> sets the video output to video with audio.
l) Assigning an EIN (Electronic Identification Number):
*8<EIN><CR> sets the EIN to the 2 digit number between 01 – 99
*8<CR> clears the EIN to 00 (No ID is set)