Before doing any work on the Power Cut turn off the engine,
remove the cutting disc, pull the plug cap off the spark plug
and wear protective gloves!
Start the Power Cut only after complete assembly and
Because many of the parts and assemblies not mentioned
in this Instruction Manual are vital to the safety of the
unit, and because all parts are subject to a certain amount
of wear and tear, it is important for your own safety that
you have the unit checked and maintained regularly by a
DOLMAR service center.
If the cutting wheel breaks during cutting, the Power
Cut must be repaired by a DOLMAR service center
before being used again!
SERVICEUnscrew the screws (8) and remove the crankcase housing
cover (9).
Remove the old belt (10) or belt pieces.
NOTE: The illustration shows the V-belt for models PC-6530
- 7435).
Clean out the inside of the drive arm with a brush.
Put in a new V-belt.
Reassemble the crankcase housing cover (9), side piece (6)
and cover (4) in the reverse order.
To tighten the V-belt see ”Tightening the V-belt / Checking
V-belt tension”.
Changing the V-belt
Loosen nuts (3).
Loosen the tightening screw (1) (counter-clockwise) until the
end of the screw (2) is visible in the gap.
Loosen and unscrew the screw (detail X, only for PC-8240).
Unscrew the nuts (3) and remove the cover (4).
Remove the screws (5) and (7) and remove the side piece
Screw (5) is longer than screws (7). Make sure
to put them back in the right places during reas-