5.3 NetWare 4.x/5.x Installation & Setup
This chapter tells how to configure your PrintSir for
operation with NetWare 4.x/5.x file servers and clients
using NDS (NetWare Directory Services). If you need to
install NetWare 4.x/5.x bindary mode network printing,
please refer to the previous chapter. The installation
procedure is the same as NetWare 3.x.
How NetWare 4.x/5.x is Different
Novell NetWare version 3.x uses a database called the
bindery for storing information such as user and group
information, server configuration, and information about
network services. Each NetWare 3.x file server has its own
bindery, which is administrated separately from other file
servers using commands such as SYSCON, PCONSOLE,
and so on.
NetWare version 4.x/5.x improved on the bindery
concept by introducing NDS, NetWare Directory Services.
NDS is a tree-structured directory that is shared by a group
of file servers on a network, allowing centralized
administration and easy coordination of users, permissions,
and resources between servers.
To make it possible for NetWare 4.x/5.x servers to
coexist with NetWare 3.x servers, NetWare 4.x/5.x
supports bindery emulation, which makes parts of the NDS
directory visible to NetWare 3.x clients, just as if the
information were stored in a NetWare 3.x bindery. This
allows clients to access NetWare 4.x/5.x servers without
being upgraded to the NetWare 4.x/5.x software, and for
3.x and 4.x/5.x servers to be mixed on a network.