3.4.2 Connecting the Power Cables
Access the power terminal connections on the Tuba servo drive by removing the front safety
cover located at the bottom of the front panel of the unit, as shown below:
Figure 3-6: Removable Bottom Panel
After removing the safety cover, the power terminal connections are visible, as follows:
Figure 3-7: Tuba Power Connectors
The main power connector located at the bottom of the Tuba, as follows:
Pin Function Cable Pin Positions
B1 DC Link (+) DC Link
B2 DC Link (-) DC Link
AC3 Phase 3 Power
AC2 Phase 2 Power
AC1 Phase 1 Power
PE Protective earth Power
AC Motor
Cable DC Motor
PE Protective earth Motor Motor
M3 Motor phase Motor N/C*
M2 Motor phase Motor Motor
M1 Motor phase Motor Motor*
When connecting several motors, all must be wired in an identical manner.
* On prototype versions of the Tuba, M3 was connected to the Motor and M1 was not.
Table 3-2: Connector for Main Power and Motor Cables
Tuba Installation Guide Installation
MAN-TUBIG (Ver. 1.3)