Replaces R/S CK4A-2, CK4A-3, CK4A-4, CK4A-8, & CK4A-1.
HCK4-2 close-couples to HS6 & HS8 Solenoid Valves.
HCK4-3, -4, & -5 close-couples to HS7 Solenoid Valve.
FPT available only 3/8" to 1¼".
TO ORDER: Specify valve type, connection style and
size, and close-coupling information if needed.


"Refrigeration in-line check valves shall have steel
or ductile iron bodies, stainless steel seat discs,
stainless steel closing springs, and be suitable for
a safe working pressure of 400 PSIG, as manufactured
by Hansen Technologies Corporation type HCK4 or
approved equal."
HCK4-2* (16) ½"
HCK4-3* ¾" (20) ¾" 1", 1¼"
HCK4-4* 1" (25) 1" ¾", 1¼"
HCK4-5 1¼" (32) 1¼" ¾", 1"
HCK4-7 1½" (40) 1½" 2"
HCK4-8* 2" (50) 2" 1½"
HCK4-9 2½" (65) 2½" 3"
HCK4-0 3" (80) 3" --
HCK4-1* 4" (100) 4" --
Printed in U.S.A.


6827 High Grove Boulevard
Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527 U.S.A.
Telephone: (708) 325-1565 FAX: (708) 325-1572
Toll-free: 1-800-426-7368


HCK4 check valves are normally closed valves. As
inlet pressure increases, it overcomes the closing
spring force. As the seat disc is pushed back and
away from the seat cartridge, flow through the valve
occurs. The valve will remain open until the inlet
pressure drops below the closing spring force or
there is a flow reversal, at which time the seat disc
will close against the seat cartridge, preventing
reverse flow.


Check valves are normally selected on the basis of
line size. However, for gas flow applications at low
load conditions, a minimum of 1 psid across the
valve is essential. This will maintain valve at full
open position. Valve Cv (Kv) is listed in the
installation dimension table on page 2. Factory valve
sizing assistance is available.


These valves are a reliable part of a refrigeration
system. However, if valve does not appear to be
operating satisfactorily, isolate it from the refrigeration
system. Remove all refrigerant from associated piping
and valves. Follow the guidelines in the caution
section. Loosen each flange nut on the check valve.
Break each flange gasket seal. Carefully loosen
flange bolts one at a time, being cautious to avoid
any refrigerant which still may be present. Remove
check valve from flanges and inspect. Lapped seating
surfaces should be smooth and free of pits or
To confirm valve operation, move seat disc with
eraser end of pencil. Movement should be free from
friction. If not, disassemble and visually inspect for
dirt in valve or burrs on seat disc. Clean or replace
parts as necessary. Valve discs and seats can be
restored by lapping on a flat plate.
Reassemble valve and insert between flanges.
Replace and tighten bolts and nuts evenly. Carefully
check for leaks before returning to service.


Hansen check valves are only for refrigeration
systems. These instructions and related safety
precautions must be completely read and understood
before selecting, using, or servicing these valves.
Only knowledgeable, trained refrigeration mechanics
should install, operate, or service these valves. Stated
temperature and pressure limits should not be
exceeded. Valves should not be removed unless
system has been evacuated to zero pressure. See
also Safety Precautions in current List Price Bulletin
and Safety Precautions Sheet supplied with product.
Escaping refrigerant might cause personal injury,
particularly to the eyes and lungs.


Hansen valves are guaranteed against defective
materials or workmanship for one year F.O.B. our
plant. No consequential damages or field labor is



Typical close-coupling to solenoid valve.
3/8", ¾" 5/8"
© 1995 Hansen Technologies Corporation
Hansen Technologies Corp.
Burr Ridge, IL Cert. # 000472
Orlando, FL Cert. # 001523
ISO 9002