1.4.9 Bidirectional Adjustment Function
Pressing the button while turning on the printer puts the printer in bidirectional adjustment mode. In
this mode, youcan adjust thebidirectional alignment for the followingthree modes:
1. High-speed draftmode
2. Draftmode
3. LQmode
For instructionson performing the adjustment, see Chapter4.
1.5 Initialization
1.5.1 Software Initialization
This initializationis activated by the controlcode . This initialization:
❒Clearsunprinte d data.
❒Resetsthe printer’s setting defaults.
1.5.2 Operation Initialization
This initializationis activated by receipt of theINIT signal (negativepulse). This initialization:
❒Clearsthe buffer of alldata.
❒Cancels download character definition.
❒Putsthe printer instandby state, if no errors occur.
❒Executes software initialization.
1.5.3 Power On Initialization
This initialization is activated by power on or by a cold-reset command (remote command). This
❒Initializesthe printer mechanism.
❒Executes operation initialization.
Product Description FX-2170 Service Manual
1-34 Rev.A