1.4.9 Bidirectional Adjustment Function
Pressing the button while turning on the printer puts the printer in bidirectional adjustment mode. In
this mode, youcan adjust thebidirectional alignment for the followingthree modes:
1. High-speed draftmode
2. Draftmode
3. LQmode
For instructionson performing the adjustment, see Chapter4.
1.5 Initialization
1.5.1 Software Initialization
This initializationis activated by the controlcode . This initialization:
Clearsunprinte d data.
Resetsthe printer’s setting defaults.
1.5.2 Operation Initialization
This initializationis activated by receipt of theINIT signal (negativepulse). This initialization:
Clearsthe buffer of alldata.
Cancels download character definition.
Putsthe printer instandby state, if no errors occur.
Executes software initialization.
1.5.3 Power On Initialization
This initialization is activated by power on or by a cold-reset command (remote command). This
Initializesthe printer mechanism.
Executes operation initialization.
Product Description FX-2170 Service Manual
1-34 Rev.A