4.1.1 Destination Data Writing Operation
The setup value that specifies the printer destination is stored in the EEPROM on the C162 MAIN
board. Therefore, this setup value must be written into the EEPROM when the MAIN board or
EEPROM chip is replaced.
Before writing the destination data writing, set the interface to parallel.
1. Connectthe PC to the target printer using a parallel interface cable and turn the printer on.
2. Execute BASIC onthe PC ,and run the program “VER xxx.BAS.” Yousee the following menu.
1. Destination Setting
2. Head Angle Confirmation PatternPrinting
(Black Head Spacer Selection)
3. Head Vertical Position Confirmation
4. Head Gap Adjustment
5. Bi-D Adjustment
6. Internal Timer Reset
7. END
3. Whenthe m ain menuap pears,choose “Destination Setting” by typing 1and Enter.
4. The main menu immediately disappears briefly and then reappears. (At this time, specific
destination parameters, including the destination, interface mode, TOF value, and
economy/condensed,are automatically written to the EEPROM.)
5. Choose“END” bytyping 7and ENTER. The next message appears on the display.
All parameters that you have specifiedso far
are written to EEPROM uponpower off.
Turn the printer OFF, Now!
6. Turnoff the printer.
Adjustments Stylus Pro XL
4-2 Rev. A