Below is the BASIC program that prints the design shown on the previous pages. Note that the data numbers in lines 80 through 140 are the same numbers that are at the bottom of each section in the last illustration. The WIDTH statement in line 10 is for IBM PC BASIC; the WIDTH statement format may be different for your system.
10 WIDTH "LPT1:",255
20 LPRINT CHR$(27)"*"CHR$(39)CHR$(42)CHR$(0); 30 FOR x=1 To 126
40 READ N50 LPRINT CHR$(N);60 NEXT X70 LPRINT80 DATA 0,0,63,0,0,127,0,0,255,0,3,255,0,15,255,0,31,255
90 DATA 0,127,255,0,255,255,1,255,255,3,255,255,7,255,255,15,
255,255100 DATA 31,255,254,31,255,252,3l,255,248,31,255,240,3l,255,
224,31,255,192110 DATA 31,255,0,31,252,0,31,240,0,31,224,0,31,128,0,31,240,0
120 DATA 31,255,192,28,255,224,28,127,240,28,l5,248,30,0,252,
31,0,126130 DATA 15,128,15,7,192,7,3,240,7,1,254,7,0,255,7,0,127,135
140 DATA 0,31,199,0,7,231,0,1,247,0,0,255,0,0,127,0,0,63
In this program, line 20 assigns the graphics option
42.Lines 80 through 140 contain 126 bytes of data