Print Size and Character Width

To add greater variety to your documents, the EX has two pitches as well as proportional spacing and condensed printing. All four can be selected either with SelecType or a software command, and software commands also offer one other option: doublewidth printing.

Pitches and Proportional Spacing

The two pitches are pica and elite. Pica is 10 characters per inch (cpi) and elite is 12 cpi. The printout below shows the difference between the


Pica: ABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyz Elite: ABCDEFGHIJKLhopqrstuvwxyz

Another mode is proportional. In this mode the width of the characters varies. Therefore, a narrow letter like i receives less space than a wide letter like W, as you can see in the printout below:

Pica: ABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyz Proportional: ABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyz

The character tables in Appendix B list the widths of all proportional characters.

Double-width and condensed

In addition to the basic pitches and the proportional mode, the EX offers two other modes that change the size of your printing. These modes are double-width and condensed.

The double-width mode doubles the width of any size of characters. This mode is useful for such purposes as emphasizing headings in reports and making displays, but is usually not suitable for large amounts of text.


o u b l e - w i d t h p i c a


o u b l e - w i d t h e l i t e

5 - 2

EX Printer Features