Scanning Your Cards

Scanning business cards is a lot like scanning photos, but the end result is more than just an image. The CardScan software uses OCR (optical character recognition) technology to read the card and sort the information into data fields like Name, Company, Address, and so on.

You can scan a batch of cards and then process them all together, or process each card after you scan it.


Scanning works best with cards printed in dark ink on a light background. You may not be able to scan cards printed on dark, glossy, or metallic paper. The software may not be able to recognize text printed at an angle or in a very small, stylized, or light font. (You can add a card manually following the instructions on page 8-7.)

Follow these steps to scan your cards:

1Place the card in the scanner as shown:

normal “landscape”

business card“portrait” business card

2Click the Scan button on the screen.


CardScan: Instant Address Book 8-3