2. Models and Peripheral Equipment 1-3
Hardware Specifications
The following models are available.
Peripheral Equipment
The following options are available for using the V7 series more effectively.
Series and
Size Model
Name Specifications Remarks
V708 series
V708SD TFT color, 800 × 600 dots, standard, DC power supply Compliant with CE/UL/cUL
V708iSD TFT color, 800 × 600 dots, high-performance, DC power
supply Compliant with CE/UL/cUL
V708CD STN color, 640 × 480 dots, standard, DC power supply Compliant with CE/UL/cUL
V710 series
V710T TFT color, 640 × 480 dots, standard, AC power supply
V710TD TFT color, 640 × 480 dots, standard, DC power supply Compliant with CE/UL/cUL
V710iT TFT color, 640 × 480 dots, high-performance, AC power
V710iTD TFT color, 640 × 480 dots, high-performance, DC power
supply Compliant with CE/UL/cUL
V710S TFT color, 800 × 600 dots, standard, AC power supply
V710SD TFT color, 800 × 600 dots, standard, DC power supply Compliant with CE/UL/cUL
V710iS TFT color, 8 0 0 × 600 dots, high-performance, AC power
V710iSD TFT color, 800 × 600 dots, high-performance, DC power
supply Compliant with CE/UL/cUL
V712 series
V712S TFT color, 800 × 600 dots, standard, AC power supply
V712SD TFT color, 800 × 600 dots, standard, DC power supply Compliant with CE/UL/cUL
V712iS TFT color, 8 0 0 × 600 dots, high-performance, AC power
V712iSD TFT color, 800 × 600 dots, high-performance, DC power
supply Compliant with CE/UL/cUL
V-SFT (drawing software: English version)
Application software for editing display data for the V series.
(Windows98/NT4.0/Me/2000/XP compatible) The V7 series is
supported with ver. 2.00 and later.