You may have misspelled the command name. Press Enter to return to the command prompt and try again.
Failed to open HELP.TXTHELP could not find the HELE.TXT file. HELP.COM and HELP.TXT must be in the same directory, or use APPEND to locate the directory that contains HELP.TXT
The ROMBIOS Utility
Use this command to display the Epson name and ROM BIOS version number of the computer you are using.
Because computer systems are frequently updated, it is a good idea to occasionally check with your dealer for update information. To determine if a particular update applies to your system, give your dealer the ROM BIOS version number of your computer.
The format of this command is:
ExampleType ROMBIOS at the command prompt and press Enter. You see a message similar to:
EQUITY I+ ROM BIOS Version x.xxThe SYSTAT Utility
Use this command to display the system parameters defined in the CMOS RAM and by the DIP switch settings. You can view these values at any time.
The format of this command is: