P. 3
Inside Panel
P. 2
Inside Panel
Game play:
Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla...I scream, you scream,
we all scream for Ice Cream! And in Ice Cream
Scoops of Fun, whoever gets the most ice cream
scoops wins!
Be the player with the most ice cream in your Ice
Cream Sundae Cup when all of the ice cream is
Set Up:
Level 1:
Stack the 16 Ice Cream Scoop Cards in the center of
the playing area, with the toppings face down.
Each player chooses
a colored Empty Ice
Cream Sundae
Cup and places
it in front of
himself / herself.
Deal out the 16
Full Ice Cream
Sundae Cups
evenly to each
player and
players can
arrange them
face up in front
of them.
Let's Play!
Level 1:
Youngest player goes first. Squeeze the Ice Cream
Scooper so it spins and lands on one of the three
flavors: vanilla (cream), strawberry (pink) or
chocolate (brown). (If the Scooper lands on 2
flavors, scoop again!) Yum Yum! Show the other
players what flavor it is and yell out the flavor as
you take the top Ice Cream Card from the stack. Put
it next to the stack face up so everyone can see.
Do you have the matching scoop for the flavor
shown? Everyone looks at their Ice Cream Sundae
Cups to see if their toppings match that of the card.
If there is a match, scream, "Ice cream!" That player
gets to take the Ice Cream Scoop Card and place it
on their empty Ice Cream Sundae Cup.
The player that has the matching scoop gets to
"scoop" out the next flavor. Play continues until all
16 Ice Cream Scoop Cards are gone. Count the cards
in your Sundae Cup.
The player with the most ice cream wins! Don't you
just want to eat them all up?
Set Up:
Level 2:
Stack the 16 Ice Cream Scoop Cards in the center of
the playing area, with the
toppings face
down. Each player
chooses a colored
Empty Ice Cream
Sundae Cup and
places it in front
of himself / herself.
Place the 16 Full
Ice Cream Sundae
Cups all around
the playing area in a
random order
for all to see.
Let's Play!
Level 2:
Oldest player goes first. Squeeze the Ice Cream
Scooper so it spins and lands on one of the three
flavors: vanilla (cream), strawberry (pink) or
chocolate (brown). Show the other players what
flavor it is and yell out the flavor as you take the
top Ice Cream Scoop Card from the stack. Put it next
to the stack face up so everyone can see. Then, find
the corresponding scoop for the flavor "scooped"
by the Scooper.
Everyone looks at all the Full Ice Cream Sundae Cups
all around the playing area. Do you see the one
with the matching scoop and topping? If so, point
to the Cup and scream, "Ice cream!" If you're the
first player to find the match, you get to take the
Ice Cream Card and place it in your empty Ice Cream
Sundae Cup. Don't take the Full Ice Cream Sundae
Cups, but the Cards with only the 3 scoops of ice
cream. And remember: save some room for more
ice cream!