Usingthe Camera22
The number of available frames appears on theLCD monitor.●
See P.29 for information on changing the quality setting.
The default quality “y” set at shipment is 1.
DPC-16 (16 MB)
DPC-32 (32 MB)
DPC-64 (64 MB)
DPC-128 (128 MB)
DPC-256 (256 MB)
Number of recorded pixels
56M 33M 11M `0.3M
DPC-512 (512 MB) 347 651 1101 3993
2816 ×2120 2048 ×1536 1280 ×960 640 ×480
■Standard number of frames per xD-Picture Card
This is the standard number shown for a new xD-Picture Cardformatted on the camera. The larger the capacity of the xD-
Picture Card, the greater the difference between the standard number and the actual number of frames appears.
Also, because the amount of data recorded varies depending on the subject, the number of available frames may not
decrease or may decrease by 2 when a frame is taken. Consequently, the actual number of frames may be more or less
than what is displayed.
◆Subjects not suitable for autofocus ◆
Though the FinePix F420 uses an autofocus mechanism, it may have trouble focusing with thefollowing subjects and situations:hVery shiny subjects such as a mirror or car bodyhSubjects photographed through glasshSubjects that do not reflect well, such as hair or furhSubjects with no substance, such as smoke orflameshWhen the subject is darkhWhen there is very little contrast between thesubject and the background (such as white wallsor subjects dressed in the same color as thebackground)hSubjects moving at high speedhWhen something other than your subject is closeto the AF frame, has contrasting areas of light anddark and is either closer or further away than yoursubject (as when you photograph someoneagainst a background with strongly contrastingelements)For subjects of this type, use AF/AE lock (➡P.24).■Viewfinder lamp display
Display StatusLit green Ready to shoot.
Blinking green AF/AE in progress, camera shake warning or AF warning (Ready to shoot).
Blinking green and
orange alternately
Recording to xD-Picture Card(Ready to shoot).
Lit orange Recording to xD-Picture Card(Not ready).
Blinking orange Charging the flash (Flash will not fire).
Blinking green
(1-second intervals)
Camera in Power save mode (➡P.58).
Blinking red hxD-Picture CardWarnings
No card inserted, card not formatted, incorrect format, card full, xD-Picture Carderror.
hLens operation error.
✽When the LCD monitor is turned on, more detailed warning messages appears (➡P.82-83).
Bebeep8Press the Shutter button down fully without releasing
it. When a clicking noise heard, the camera recordsthe photographed image.●
There is a slight delay between the Shutter button being
pressed and the picture being taken. When “IMAGE DISP.” is
set to ON (➡P.57), the results of the shot appear on the LCD
monitor after you take a picture. The image shown may differ
in its brightness, color, etc. from the image actually recorded.
If necessary, play back the shot to check the image.
When pressing the Shutter button down fully in one motion,
the AF frame disappears and the picture is taken.
When taking the picture, the viewfinder lamp lights orange
(shooting disabled). The viewfinder lamp then changes to
green to indicate that the next picture can be taken.
The viewfinder lamp blinks orange while the flash is charging.
If the LCD monitor is turned on, the LCD monitor may go
dark. This is normal and does not indicate a fault.
See P.82-83 for information on the warning displays.
7Pressing the Shutter button down halfway, the
camera emits a short double-beep and focuses onyour subject. At that point, the AF frame on theLCD monitor becomes smaller and the camera setsthe shutter speed and aperture (the viewfinderlamp (green) stops blinking and remains lit).●
If “{” appears on the LCD monitor, the camera cannot focus.
Pressing the Shutter button down halfway, the image on the
LCD monitor freezes briefly. However, this is not the recorded
If “{” appears on the LCD monitor(e.g. the shot is too dark
for the camera to focus), try standing about 2 m (6.6 ft.) from
the subject to take the picture.
If Ni-MH and alkaline batteries are being used together, or the
batteries are low on charge, camera may be turned off without
retracting the lens. At that time, set the Mode switch to
Playback mode (➡P.26). Then turn the camera on. After the
lens retracts, turn the camera off again. If the lens still does not
retract, fit new batteries or use the AC power adapter (➡P.69).