If you have technical questions or if you need repair service, ask the following local distributor.
Please present the warranty card and your purchase receipt when you ask for repairs. Refer to the
warranty card for conditions of the warranty. There is a case that repair and Technical support
cannot be accepted for some models which your local distributor does not deal with.
These lists are subject to change without notice.
Canada Fuji Photo Film Canada Inc.
Technical support 600 Suffolk Court Mississauga Ontario, L5R 4G4
TEL 1-866-818-FUJI (3854) http://www/fujihelp.ca
Repair service 600 Suffolk Court Mississauga Ontario, L5R 4G4
TEL 1-800-263-5018 FAX 1-905-755-2993 http://www/fujihelp.ca
U.S.A. Fuji Photo Film USA
Technical support 1100 King George Post Rd., Edison, NJ 08837
TEL 800-800-3854 FAX 732-857-3487 digitalinfo@fujifilm.com
Repair service 1100 King George Post Rd., Edison, NJ 08837
TEL 732-857-3000 FAX 732-857-3471 njcamerarepair@fujifilm.com
Hawaii Fuji Photo Film Hawaii, Inc.
Technical support & 94-468 Akoki Street, Waipahu, HI. 96797
Repair service TEL 1-808-677-3854, ext. 209 FAX 1-808-677-1443 kurt_kmett@fujifilmhawaii.com
Argentina Imagen e informacion S.A.
Technical support & Fondo de la Legua 936 San Isidro Pcia. de Buenos Aires
Repair service TEL +54-11-4836-1000 FAX +54-11-4836-1144 servtec@imageneinformacion.com.ar
Bolivia Reifschneider Bolivia Ltda.
Technical support & Calle H N.° 5 - Equipetrol Norte - Santa Cruz
Repair service TEL +591 33 44 1129 FAX +591 33 45 2919 gciagral@bibosi.scz.entelnet.bo
Brazil Fuji Photo Film do Brasil Ltda.
Technical support & Av. Vereador José Diniz, 3400 - Campo Belo, Sào Paulo/SP
Repair service TEL 0800-12-8600 FAX +55 11 5091-4150 camarasdigitais@fujifilm.com.br
Chile Reifschneider SA
Technical support & Av. El Conquistador del Monte 5024, Huechuraba,Santiago,Chile
Repair service TEL 02-4431500 FAX 02-4431596 ceciliacalvo@reifschneider.cl
Colombia Animex de Colombia Ltda.
Technical support & Calle 44 N.° 13-43 Piso 2 Apartado 18001 - Bogotá
Repair service TEL +57 1 338-0299 FAX +57 1 288-2208 animex@etb.net.co
Ecuador Espacri Cia Ltda
Technical support & Bolivar 5-69 y Hermano Miguel
Repair service TEL 593-72-835526 FAX 593-72-833157
Ecuador Importaciones Espacri Cia. Ltda.
Technical support & Simón Bolivar 5-69 y Hno. Miguel - Cuenca
Repair service TEL +593 783 5526 FAX +593 783 3157 portiz@fujifilm.com.ec
Mexico Fujifilm de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Technical support Av. Ejercito Nacional 351, Col. Granada 11520 Mexico, D.F.
TEL (52-55) 5263-5566 / 68 FAX (52-55) 5254-1508 jlgiraud1@fujifilm.com.mx
Repair service Av. Presidente Juarez 2007, Col. Tepetlacalco, 54090 Tlalnepantla, Edo. de Mexico
TEL (52-55) 5263-5500 FAX (52-55) 5254-1508 jlgiraud1@fujifilm.com.mx
Paraguay Errece S.R.L.
Technical support & Edificio Unitas 15 de Agosto 1035, Asunción
Repair service TEL +595 21 444256 FAX +595 21 444651 jmarbulo@fujifilm.com.py
Peru Procesos de Color S.A.
Technical support & Pablo Bermudez 111 Apartado 3794 - Esq. Arequipa - Lima 11
Repair service TEL +51 14 33 5563 FAX +51 14 33 7177 jalvarado@fujifilm.com.pe
Uruguay Fotocamara S.R.L.
Technical support & Cuareim 1439, montevideo, Uruguay
Repair service TEL +598-2-9002004 FAX +598-2-9008430 fotocam@adinet.com.uy
Uruguay Kiel S.A.
Technical support & Maldonado 1787 Montevideo- Uruguay
Repair service TEL (05982) 419 4542 FAX (05982) 412 0046 kiel@fujifilm.com.uy
Venezuela C. Hellmund & Cia Sa
Technical support & Av. Ppal Diego Cisneros Caracas Venezuela Edf Oficentro
Repair service TEL 0212-2022300 FAX 0212-2399796 hellmund@hellmund.com
Austria Fuji Film Oesterreich
Technical support & Traviatagasse/Pfarrgasse, 1230 Vienna, Austria
Repair service TEL 0043 1 6162606/51 or 52 FAX 0043 1 6162606/58 kamera.service@fujifilm.at
Belgium Belgian Fuji Agency
Technical support & 20, Avenue Lavoisier, Wavre, 1300, Belgium
Repair service TEL 3210242090 FAX 3210238562 info@fuji.be
FUJIFILM Digital Camera Worldwide NetworkExplanation of Terms
Deactivated batteries
Leaving an Ni-MH battery unused in storage for a long period may cause a rise in the level of substances that
inhibit current flow inside the battery and result in a dormant battery. A battery in this state is referred to as
Because current flow is inhibited in a deactivated Ni-MH battery, the battery’s original level of performance cannot
be achieved.
A number denotes Exposure Value. The EV is determined by the brightness of the subject and sensitivity (speed)
of the film or CCD. The number is larger for bright subjects and smaller for dark subjects. As the brightness of the
subject changes, a digital camera maintains the amount of light hitting the CCD at a constant level by adjusting the
aperture and shutter speed.
When the amount of light striking the CCD doubles, the EV increases by 1. Likewise, when the light is halved, the
EV decreases by 1.
Frame rate (fps)
The frame rate refers to the number of images (frames) that are photographed or played back per second. For
example, when 10 frames are continuously photographed in a 1-second interval, the frame rate is expressed as 10
For reference, TV images are displayed at 30 fps (NTSC).
Joint Photographic Experts Group
A file format used for compressing and saving color images. The higher the compression rate, the greater the loss
of quality in the decompressed (restored) image.
Memory effect
If an Ni-MH battery is repeatedly charged without first being fully discharged, its performance may drop below its
original level. This is referred to as the “memory effect”.
Motion JPEG
A type of AVI (Audio Video Interleave) file format that handles images and sound as a single file. Images in the file
are recorded in JPEG format. Motion JPEG can be played back by QuickTime 3.0 or later.
A phenomenon specific to CCDs whereby white streaks appear on the image when there is a very strong light
source, such as the sun or reflected sunlight, in the photography screen.
A standard format used on Windows systems for saving audio data. WAVE files have the “.WAV” file extension and
the data can be saved in either compressed or uncompressed format. Uncompressed recording is used on this
WAVE files can be played back on a personal computer using the following software:
Windows: MediaPlayer
Macintosh: QuickTime Player
✽QuickTime 3.0 or later
White Balance
Whatever the kind of the light, the human eye adapts to it so that a white object still looks white. On the other hand,
devices such as digital cameras see a white subject as white by first adjusting the color balance to suit the color of
the ambient light around the subject. This adjustment is called matching the white balance.
Exif Print Format is a newly revised digital camera file format that contains a variety of shooting information for
optimal printing.