©2014 PFU LIMITED Printed in some c ountry 2014.08 U-155 AMN 50S
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Be sure to carefully rea d all safety
precautions prio r to using this product
and use this device as in structed.
For more ScanSnap rela ted information, visit our Web s ite at : http://scansnap.fujitsu.com/
Do not place this devic e in wet, moist, steamy, dusty o r
oily areas. Using this product under such conditions may
result in electric al shock, fire or dam age to this product.
Safety Precautions
ABBYY and FineReader are trademarks of ABBYY Software, Ltd. which may be registered in some jurisdictions. ABBYY™ FineReader™ Engine ©2011
ABBYY. OCR by ABBYY. Evernote is a registered trademark or trademark of Evernote Corporation. Google and Google Docs are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Google Inc. Intel, Pentium, and Intel Core are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.
ISIS™ is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the United States. Mac, Mac OS, Mac logo and iPhoto are trademarks of Apple Inc. Microsoft,
Windows, Windows Vista, Excel, PowerPoint and SharePoint are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries. Word is the products of Microsoft Corporation in the United States. PowerPC is a registered trademark or trademark of International
Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Salesforce and Salesforce CRM are registered trademarks or trademarks of
salesforce.com, inc. in the United States and other countries. ScanSnap, ScanSnap logo, ScanSnap Manager, ScanSnap Organizer and CardMinder are
registered trademarks or trademarks of PFU LIMITED in Japan. Other company names and product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the
respective companies.
This scanner is desig ned to digitize materials t hat can be reproduced lawf ully, in accordance with appl icable copyright regulations and oth er laws. ScanSnap use rs are responsible f or how they use this scan ner. It is imperative th at ScanSnap users comply with all a pplicable local r ules and laws, incl uding, without l imitation, cop yright laws when us ing this scanner.ABBYY™ FineReader™ Engin e ©2011 ABBYY. OCR by ABBYY
ABBYY and FineReader ar e trademarks of AB BYY.
PFU LIMITED, a Fujitsu company, has d etermined that thi s product
meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. ENERGY
STAR® is a registere d trademark of the U nited States.
Scanner type
Light source 3 Color LED (Red / Green / Bl ue)
Max: 216 x 863 mm (8.5 x 34 in.) (300 dpi or le ss)
A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Business c ard, Post card, Lette r, Legal
and Custom sizes (Ma x: 216 x 360 mm (8.5 x 14.17 in.),
Min: 25.4 x 25.4 mm (1 x 1 in.)) /
Automatically recognizes document size
Use of a carrier she et permits the sca nning of A3, B4,
double letter and p hotographs as wel l as the document
sizes that are listed a bove.
Optical resolution 600 dpi
Paper setting Front side up
Continuous scanning 260 sheets
(A4, color, simplex, 300 dpi, ba ttery operated) 5
Interface USB 2.0 (USB 1.1 compatible)
Power source Li-ion Batterry (3.7 V / 720 mAh)
Paper weight (Thic kness)
52.3 to 209.3 g/m2, or 14 to 56 lb (Straight path)
52.3 to 80 g/m2, or 14 to 20 lb (U-turn path)
Portrait or Landscape (Straight path)
Non-embossed: 0.76 mm or le ss
Embossed: 0.76 + 0.48 mm (ISO7810 Conformin g)
Image sensor
Auto mode (default)
Normal mode (150 dpi)
Better mode (200 dp i)
Normal mode
Normal mode with
Carrier sheet
Long paper scanning
Best mode (300 dpi )
Excellent mode (6 00 dpi)
CIS (Contact Image Sens or) x 1
Operation environment Temperature: 5 to 35 °C (41 to 95 °F)
Relative humidity: 20 to 80% (Non-condensing)
Scanning modes Color, grayscale, monochrome, automatic
(color / grayscale / monochrome detection)
Intel® Core™ i5 2.5 GHz or highe r
4 GB or more
CDF (Continuous Document Feeding),
Simplex sheetfeed t wo-way paper path
(Straight path, U-turn path)
2,690 MB or more of free har d disk space
Power consumption
During operation: 4.7 W or le ss
During sleep mode: 2.2 W o r less
During Auto Standby (O FF) mode: Less than 0.5 W
ScanSnap specif ic driver
Windows®: Does not support TWAIN / I SIS™
Mac OS: Does not support T WAIN
(A4 portrait)
Document size
5.2 seconds / page
20.4 seconds / page
ScanSnap iX100
Getting started Set-u p DVD-ROM USB cable
General Specifications
Compatible operating systems
Driver /
ScanSnap Manager V6.3
ScanSnap Organizer V5.2
CardMi nder™ V5. 2
DVD-ROM drive
USB port
Disk capacity
ABBYY FineReader
for ScanSnap™ 5.0
Memory capacity
Scan to Microsoft SharePoint 3.4
Scan to Microsoft SharePoint 5.0
Windows® 8 / 8.1
(32-bit / 64-bit)
Windows® 7
(32-bit / 64-bit)
Windows Vista™
(32-bit / 64-bit)
Supported Supported Supported
Supported Supported Supported
Supported Supported Supported
800 x 600 pixels or hi gher
1,024 x 768
pixels or higher
Required for installation
USB 2.0 / USB 1.1
Supported Supported Supported
Supported Supported
4 GB or more
ScanSnap iX100 System Requirements
ScanSnap Organizer V5.2 ScanSnap Organizer V1.1
CardMinder™ V5.2 CardMinder™ V5.2
ABBYY FineRead er for ScanSnap™ 5.0 ABBYY FineRead er for ScanSnap™ 5.0
Scan to Microsoft
ScanSnap Manager V6.3
(TWAIN / ISIS™ not suppor ted)
ScanSnap Manager V6.3
(TWAIN not supported)
Included items
5 7
Power requirement 5 V / 0.5 A ( x 1port)
Dimensions (W x D x H) 273 x 47.5 x 36 mm (10.74 x 1.87 x 1.42 in.)
Device weight 400 g (0.88 lb)
Environmental compliance ENERGY STAR® complia nt / RoHS
Multifeed detection None
1 Scanning speeds may var y due to the system envi ronment used. Sc anning speed me ans the time from “S tart feeding
document” to “Finish outp ut document” af ter pre-pick and p ushing Scan but ton. In case of “From pus hing Scan button,
Warm-up time is added. Warm- up time: From Ready statu s: Less than 2 second s / From Chute Cover Clos ed Status:
Less than 3 seconds 2 Docum ents measuring a pproximately 148 mm in len gth or less are sca nned in "Best mode",
while other documents are s canned in "Bette r mode". 3 Automatically st itch a two-page spre ad when scanning a
folded A3, B4 or Double lett er size document on e side at a time. The ima ge is automaticall y stitched only if tex ts or
diagrams cover across the t wo-page spread. 4 T he iX100 is capable of sc anning documen ts that exceed A4 size in
length. This function is a vailable for all mo des except for "Excel lent mode". 5 The number o f sheets that can be
scanned when connecte d to a computer via Wi- Fi with fully cha rged battery. The n umber of sheets may va ry due to the
system environment used, usage method and repeated charging. 6 Computer with USB 3.0 will work as USB 2.0
guaranteed only with USB c able provided wi th product. 7 When operating with battery. 8 When chuter is close d.
1 Service Pack 1 or later requ ired. 2 Service Pa ck 2 or later required. 3 For the latest support information, visit
the ScanSnap homepage. 4 The ScanSnap device may not work if t he connected comp uter does not meet thi s
requirement. 5 Scanning speeds may drop if re commended CPU, mem ory capacity an d USB 1.1 requirements
are not met. 6 Microsoft .NET Fr mework 3.5 SP1 will be in stalled (require s 500 MB of disk space) tog ether with
either ScanSnap Manag er or ScanSnap Org anizer for systems th at do not have .NET Frame work 3.5 SP1 installe d.
7 When the ScanSnap is con nected to a USB 3.0 port, th e port operates a s a USB 2.0 port. System requirements
may change depending on t he duration of suppo rt and the suppor t policy of the comp anies that make the sof tware
listed in the table above.
Mac OS
Intel® Core™ i5 2.5 GHz or higher
1,930 MB or more of free hard di sk space
Compatible operating systems
Driver /
ScanSnap Manager V6.3
ScanSnap Organizer V1.1
CardMi nder™ V5. 2
DVD-ROM drive
USB port
Disk capacity
ABBYY FineReader
for ScanSnap™ 5.0
Memory capacity
OS X v10.9 OS X v10.8
Mac OS X v10.7
Supported Supported Supported
Supported Supported Supported
Supported Supported Supported
1,024 x 768 pixels or higher
Required for installation
USB 2.0 / USB 1.1
Supported Supported Supported
6 7
1 OS X v10.9.1 or later recommended. 2 OS X v10.8.5 recom mended. 3 Mac OS X v10.7.5 recommende d.
4 For the latest support information, visit the ScanSnap homepage. 5 The ScanSnap device may not work if the
connected computer doe s not meet this requi rement. 6 Scanning speeds may drop if recommended CPU, memory
capacity and USB 1.1 requirements a re not met. 7 When the Sca nSnap is connecte d to a USB 3.0 port, the por t
operates as a USB 2.0 port. System requirements may change depending on the duration of support and the
support policy of the com panies that make th e software liste d in the table above.
1 TWAIN or ISIS™ applications c annot be used dire ctly.
Windows®Mac OS
ScanSna p iX100 Ca se
Intended for ScanS nap iX100
Description Part number Remarks
Carrier Sheets PA03360-0013
PA03010- 6571
USA, Canada & Taiwan
PA03010- 6581
EMEA, England
PA03010- 6591
PA03010- 6601
PA03010- 6611
PA03010- 6621
PA03010- 6631
5 Carrier Sheets
Intended for ScanS nap iX500, iX100, S1500,
S1500M, S1100i, S1100
1 This product has been esp ecially desig ned for storing and c arrying Scan Snap iX100. Please note tha t this product
is not guaranteed to withsta nd damage by excessi ve shock or externa l pressure. 2 Although ScanSnap Carrier
Sheets have a listed lifespa n of 500 scans, the lif espan may vary wi th usage. ScanSna p Carrier sheet s are intended to
scan paper documents wi th weights of 127 g/m2 or les s. They also suppor t the scanning of f olded document s that are
as large as 216 x 297 mm.
ScanSna p iX100
Soft Case PA03688-0011
AC adapter
The AC adapter may vary d epending on the c ountry
where you purchase d the ScanSnap an d the
specifications of the ScanSnap.
Cleaner F1 100 ml bott le
Used to clean rollers
Description Part number Remarks
Cleaning Wipe PA03950-0419
1 pack (24 sheets)
Used to clean rollers
New features
The world's lightest compact body
The fastest mobile scanner in its class
No need to switch the Wi-Fi mode manually
Battery operated without the necessity
of cable connection
Dual Scan - scanning 2 small sized documents
at the same time
Automatically stitch a two-page spread
Bundle software
CardMinder (Win / Mac)
Simple, Speedy & Compact.From Paper to PDF in One Touch!