Thr u-hull mo un t wat er te m per ature

sensor T-02MSB, T-03MSB

Select a suitable mounting location consid-
ering the following points:
Select a mid boat flat position. The sensor
does not have to be installed perfectly per-
pendicular; however, the location should
not be such that the transducer may be
damaged when the boat is dry-docked.
Locate away from equipment which gives
off heat.
Locate away from drain pipes.
Select a location where vibration is min-

Procedure for mounting T-02MSB

1. Drill a hole of 21 mm in diameter in the
mounting location.
2. Pass the sensor cable through the hole.
3. Pass gasket, washer and locknut onto
cable in that order.
4. Coat the sensor flange with high quality
sealant and then fasten the sensor with the
locknut. (Torque: max. 59N m)
5. Launch the boat to check for water leakage
around the sensor.
Mou nting T-02 M SB

Procedure for mounting T-03MSB

1. Drill a hole of 25 mm in diameter in the
mounting location.
2. Coat holder guide with high quality sealant,
and pass gasket, washer and locknut onto
holder guide in that order and then tighten
the locknut.
3. Set the sensor holder to the holder guide
from inside the boat and then tighten the
4. Launch the boat to check for water leakage
around the sensor.
Mountin g T-03MSB

4.8 Wiring

Connect the power/data cable assy KON-
004-02M (2 m, supplied) to the 12-24 VDC/
NMEA port, and the transducer cable to the
XDR port. Refer to the interconnection dia-
gram to connect cables. Leave slack in cables
to facilitate checking and maintenance.
Note1: Attach the MJ cable cap (supplied) to
the transducer cable to protect the connector
when the display unit is removed.
Note2: Cut unused cores and tape them.
Note3: Connector of cable edge breaks
easily. Be careful when connecting or discon-
necting the connector.
Note4: The fuse holder contains a spring
which fixes the fuse. To prevent detachment
of the spring, which would cause loss of
power, tie the line as shown on the next page.
Coat with
φ21 mm
Plate thick
ness withi
25 mm
Coat with
φ25 mm
Holder Guide
Sensor Holder