190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy® Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
REM remaining (fuel remaining above
REQ required
RES reserve (fuel reserve entered by pilot)
REV reverse, revision, revise
RF Constant Radius Turn to Fix
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator
RMT remote
RNG range
RNWY runway
ROL roll
ROM read only memory
rpm revolutions per minute
RST FUEL reset fuel
RSV reserve (fuel reserve entered by pilot)
RT right
RVRSNRY reversionary
RX receive
S south
SA Selective Availability
SAT Static Air Temperature
SBAS Satellite-Based Augmentation System
SCIT Storm Cell Identification and Tracking
SD Secure Digital
sec second(s)
SEL, SLCT select
SFC surface
SIAP Standard Instrument Approach
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information
Sim simulator
SLP/SKD slip/skid
SMBL symbol
SPD speed
SPI Special Position Identification
SPKR speaker
SQ squelch
SRVC, SVC service
STAL stall
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route
STATS statistics
STBY standby
STD standard
SUA Special Use Airspace
SUSP suspend
SVS Synthetic Vision System
SW software
SYS system
T true
TA Traffic Advisory
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation System
TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
TAS True Airspeed
TAS Traffic Advisory System, true airspeed
TAT Total Air Temperature
TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System
TCA Terminal Control Area
TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System
TEL telephone
TEMP temperature
TERM terminal
TF Track Between Two Fixes
TFR Temporary Flight Restriction
T HDG True Heading
TIS Traffic Information System
TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature
TKE Track Angle Error
TMA Terminal Maneuvering Area
TMR/REF Timer/Reference
Topo topographic
Track Direction of aircraft movement relative
to a ground position; also ‘Ground
Track Angle Error The angle difference between the
desired track and the current track.
TRG target
TRK track
TRSA Terminal Radar Service Area
TRUNC truncated
TTL total
TURN procedure turn
TX transmit
UNAVAIL unavailable
USR user
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UTM/UPS Universal Transverse Mercator / Universal
Polar Stereographic Grid
V, Vspeed velocity (airspeed)
VA Heading Vector to Altitude
VAPP VOR approach
VAR variation
VD Heading Vector to DME Distance
Vdc volts, direct current
VERT vertical