While managing frequencies for
Likewise, the maps on both the Multi Function Display (MFD) and the Primary Flight Display (PFD) help the pilot to manage the navigation functions of the system. By using the maps to verify GPS navigation inputs, the pilot is able to visually
In this discussion so far, the focus has been on SRM. Now, attention will be turned to leveraging the various data inputs from the
Weather datalink and airborne lightning detection equipment have brought unprecedented weather avoidance capabilities to the GA aircraft. While these weather tools provide valuable information, they do have limitations that must be considered and they should thus be used appropriately by the pilot in the ADM process.
The primary limitation with both datalink weather and airborne lightning detection equipment is that neither device is to be used for storm penetration. Instead, these planning tools should be used to help the pilot make a timely and
While avoiding strong thunderstorms and other areas of heavy precipitation is desirable, the ability to also review textual weather information for enroute and destination allows the pilot to maintain better situational awareness for airport selection in case of an emergency. The capability to review textual weather data from ground reporting stations while enroute also allows the pilot to evaluate all approach options based on ceilings at the destination airport and to decide whether a diversion should instead be made to an alternate airport much earlier in the flight. This, coupled with the ability to review weather information well outside of the transmission range of ATIS/AWOS/ASOS systems, enables the pilot to better prepare for arrival and reduces
Thunderstorms are typically used as the main selling point for datalink weather receivers due to their visual Nexrad presenta- tion, whereas ice – the other main weather concern for flight – is often not emphasized enough. However, it should be stressed that the potential for icing is also provided textually and in some cases, graphically, via datalink weather. This becomes a very powerful tool in the winter months. The ability to bring more information about the icing potential in either format type (textual or graphical) is a significant improvement to the overall safety of flight.1
Overlaying both the Nexrad and lightning images on either the G1000 MFD or PFD map inset serves to corroborate information on the location of the strongest storms. When lightning detection equipment is installed in the aircraft, the unique
While this type of information is very powerful and convincing, it is important to use it to plan the flight path and not to try to penetrate an area of weather. Indeed, the data should be used to plan a deviation well clear of the storm in order to ensure that the remainder of the flight can be safely executed. One should always remember that discretion is often the better part of valor and that no technology can depict actual meteorological conditions with 100% accuracy.
22 | Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Training Guide |