F-801 Internal RO System by GE Osmonics

4.4F-801 Disinfection Indications

DETERMINATION OF MICROBIAL CULTURING AND DISINFECTION FREQUENCY IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OPERATING FACILITY. The following is recommended for critical applications where bacteria and endotoxins are a major concern, such as for Hemodialysis.

Disinfection should occur when bacterial growth is above the limits set by the facility, or when over 200 CFU/ml (maximum AAMI standard) is detected. Routine disinfection at lower CFU counts will inhibit colonization of bacteria in the system and the distribution plumbing.

Rapid re-growth of bacteria following disinfection, or excessively high colony counts (i.e. TNTC), may indicate a need for more aggressive intervention. Strategies such as increased frequency of disinfection, longer dwell times, or alternative chemical agents may be employed.


Glutaraldehyde and Actril™ are not recommended disinfectants for the F-801.

4.4.1Formaldehyde Disinfection Preparation


Always wear rubber gloves, apron and facemask. Use proper ventilation during disinfection and rinse-out. A face respirator with an organic cartridge to remove formaldehyde fumes may be worn. DO NOT BREATHE FUMES OR ALLOW FORMALDEHYDE TO COME IN CONTACT WITH SKIN OR EYES. Refer to MSDS supplied by manufacturer of the formaldehyde or formalin product.


Label the machine with appropriate warning signs such as "Do Not Use / Contains Formaldehyde" to prevent use of the RO until it is properly rinsed.


New replacement thin film membranes must be rinsed to drain with normal pressures for a minimum of six (6) hours before first exposure to formaldehyde, or irreversible damage may occur. No mandatory pre-rinse of the membranes is required for future disinfections.


No sanitizing agent containing chlorine should be used to sanitize this system. Use of chlorine will damage membranes.

12552e – 27 Feb 04

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Routine Maintenance