F-801 Internal RO System by GE Osmonics

E.Flush valve is partly open

a.Open and close valve and then measure and compare to original specifications.

F.Pre-filter is plugged

a.Replace pre-filter.

5.5Pressure Gauge Vibrates Erratically

1.Air in gauge tubing.

a.Loosen tube fitting at gauge to bleed air.

2.Obstruction in pressure gauge orifice.

a.Remove obstruction.

3.Pump telegraphing (making noise)

a.Inspect pump and motor coupling for wear.

4.Faulty gauge.

a.Replace gauge.

5.6Excess Product Pressure (too high)

1.Inlet pressure regulator improperly adjusted.

a.Adjust pressure regulator to correct product setting.

2.Product flow rate too high.

a.Decrease pump operating pressure if above specifications.

b.Feed water temperature too high. Reduce temperature or discontinue use of RO to prevent damage to membranes.

c.Damage or failure of membrane has occurred, replace membranes.

5.7Product Flow Too Low

Low water temperatures, fouled membrane elements, or inadequate pump pressure can cause low product flow. A partial blockage of the feed stream (dirty pre-filter) can also result in low product water flow by causing the pump to draw a strong vacuum. Similarly, an obstruction (defective check valve) in the product flow path may cause reduced flow.

1.Pump pressure too low.

a.See 5.4

2.Low feed water temperature.

a.Verify product production with Tech Note 121 Temperature Correction.

b.Install or adjust temperature blending valve.

3.Membrane fouled or scaled.

a.Review trend analysis logs for flow.

b.Clean membrane with both high and low pH cleaners.

c.If flow is not recoverable, replace membrane.

12552e - 27 Feb 04

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