Submenu Ite m Indicati on (for Dis play Only; not User Mo difiable)
Number of Heat Stages (HT STG) Displays the n um b er of furn ac e heating stages
Input Rate ( BTU/HR) Displays the furnace input rate i n kBtu/hr
Motor HP (1/2, ¾, or 1 MTR HP) Displays the furnace indoor blower motor horsepower
Submen u Item Indi cation/ User Mod ifiable Options Co mments
Fault 1 (FAULT #1) Most recent furna ce fault For display only
Fault 2 (FAULT #2) Next most recent furnace fault For display only
Fault 3 (FAULT #3) Next most recent furnace fault For display only
Fault 4 (FAULT #4) Next most recent furnace fault For display only
Fault 5 (FAULT #5) Next most recent furnace fault For display only
Fault 6 (FAULT #6) Lease recent furnace fau lt For display only
Clear Fault History (CLEAR) NO or YES Selecting “YES” clea r s the fault
histo ry
NOTE: Consecutively repeated fault s are shown a maximum of 3 times.
Submenu Item Indication (for Display Only; not User Modifiable)
Model Number (M OD NUM) Displays the furna c e model number
Serial Num ber ( S E R NUM) Displays the furnace ser ial number (Optional)
Software (SOFTWARE) Displays the applicat ion sof tware r ev ision
Submenu Item User M odifia ble Optio ns Comm ents
Heat Airflow Trim ( HT TRM) -15% to +15% in 3% increm ents,
default is 0% Trims the heating air flow by the selected
Heat ON Dela y (H T ON 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 seconds,
default is 30 sec onds Selects the indoor blower he at ON delay
Heat OFF Delay (HT OFF) 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 , or 180 s econds ,
default is 150 seconds Selects the indoor b lower heat OFF delay
Heat Airfl ow (HT ADJ) 1, 2, 3, or 4 Selects the nomin al heating airflow (see
Section XIV, Startup Procedure and
Adjustment – Circulator Blower Sp eeds for
addition inf ormation)
Submenu Item Indication (for Display On ly; n ot User Mod ifiable)
Mode (MODE ) Displays the current furnace operating mode
CFM (CF M Displays the airflow for the curr ent operating mode