Main features Accessories
Infrared R emote C ontro l.... ..... ..... ..... . 1
User’sM anual ........ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 1
Battery( AAA). ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... 2
Power cabl e.... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . 1
■ Integrat ed ATS C TV tuner for HDT V br oadca st rec eptio n
■ High b right ness pro vides a v ivid and bri llian t pic ture
■ Deeper blac ks and brig hter w hites w ith high cont rast
■ Wide Scr een a spect rat io (16: 9) for a co mplet e hom e
theater ex perie nce
■ HDMI inp ut fo r tru e dig ital conne ction
■ VGA port for con necti on to P C
■ Built-in s tereo sp eaker sy stem
■ Full-fun ction Remote Cont rol
HDMI, the HD MI logo a nd High -Defi nitio n Multi media I nterf ace are t radem arks or r egist ered
trademar ks of HDM I Licen sing LL C.
Main Specificat ionsx 3 (1 HDMI input i s MHL enabl ed)
TV System:
Video Signal System:
Receiving Channel:
1920 x 1080
Cable :1-135/ Air: 2-69 (ATV&DTV)
x 1
High-Definition Multime dia Interface (HDMI) I nput
Audio Input x 2
x 1
Horizontal definition (TV line) Composite Video Input >=350
Component (YPbPr) >=400
Video Input >=400
x 1
AC 100-240V 50/60Hz
ATSC Digital system and NTSC Ana log system
Headphone Output
x 1
x 1
Coaxial Output
Aspect Ratio:
Viewing Picture Size (diagonal)
Power supp ly
Audio Output Powe r (THD 7 %):
Component (YPbPr) Input
Composite Video Input
Analog RGB (VGA) Input
Power cons umpti on
x 1
USB Input
48 inches