

The symbol indicates that dangerous voltages
constituting a risk of electric shock are present
within this unit.
The symbol indicates that there are important
operating and maintenance instructions in the
literaturaccompanying this unit.

To reduce th e risk of f ire or el ectri c shock , do

not expos e this Tel evision t o rain or m oistu re.

1) Read thes e instr uctio ns.
2) Keep thes e instr uctio ns.
3) Heed all wa rning s.
4) Follow al l instr uctio ns.
5) Do not use th is Telev ision n ear wat er.
6) Clean onl y with dr y cloth .
7) Do not bloc k any ven tilat ion ope nings , insta ll in
accordan ce with t he inst ructi ons.
8) Do not inst all nea r any hea t sourc es such a s radia tions ,
heat regis ters, s toves , or othe r Televi sion (i nclud ing
amplifie rs) tha t produ ce heat .
9) Do not defe at the sa fety pu rpose o f the pol arize d plug.
If the provi ded plu g does no t fit int o your ou tlet, c onsul t
an electri cian fo r repla cemen t of the ob solet e outle t.
10) Protec ted the p ower co rd from b eing wa lked on o r
pinched pa rticu larly a t plugs , conve nienc e recep tacle s,
and the poin t where t hey exi t from th e Televi sion.
11) Only use a ttach ments /acce ssori es spec ified b y the
manufact urer.
12) Unplug t his Tele visio n durin g light ing sto rms or
when unuse d for lon g perio ds of tim e.
13) Refer al l servi cing to q ualif ied ser vice pe rsonn el.
Servicin g is requ ired wh en the Tel evisi on has be en
damaged in a ny way, su ch as; po wer-s upply c ord or pl ug
is damaged , liqui d has bee n spill ed or obj ects ha ve fall en
into the Tele visio n, the Tele visio n has bee n expos ed to
rain or mois ture, d oes not o perat e norma lly, or ha s been
14) Mains pl ug is use d as the di sconn ect dev ice, th e
disconne ct devi ce shal l remai n readi ly oper able.
15) The vent ilati on shou ld not be i mpede d by cove ring
the ventil ation o penin gs with i tems, s uch as ne wspap ers,
table-cl oth, cu rtain s, etc.
16) No naked f lame so urces , such as l ighte d candl es,
should be pl aced on t he Telev ision .
17) Attenti on shou ld be dra wn to the e nviro nment al
aspects of b atter y dispo sal.
18) The use of Tel evisi on in mod erate c limat e.
19) The Televi sion sh all not b e expos ed to dri pping o r
splashin g and tha t no obje cts fil led wit h liqui ds, suc h as
vases, sha ll be pla ced on th e Televi sion.
please alw ays ens ure the w hole pr oduct w as plac ed
within the t able su rface i n horiz ontal .
To avoid any in jury ca used by l ean of th e produ ct,
This symbol indi cates that t his produc t incorpor ates
double insula tion betwe en hazardo us mains vol tage and
user accessib le parts. Whe n servicin g use only
identical repl acement pa rts.
This marki ng indi cates t hat thi s produ ct shou ld not be
disposed w ith oth er hous ehold w astes t hroug hout th e
EU. To preven t possi ble har m to the en viron ment or
human heal th from u ncont rolle d waste d ispos al,
recycle it r espon sibly t o promo te the su stain able
reuse of mat erial r esour ces. To re turn yo ur used
device, pl ease us e the ret urn and c ollec tion sy stems o r
contact th e retai ler whe re the pr oduct w as purc hased .
They can tak e this pr oduct f or envi ronme ntal sa fe
recyclin g.
The batter ies sha ll not be e xpose d to exce ssive h eat
such as suns hine, f ire or th e like.
The excess ive sou nd pres sure fr om earp hones a nd
headphon es can ca use hea ring lo ss.


Haier is com mitte d to safe ly recy cling e lectr onic
products a nd prod uct mat erial s. Plea se chec k for a
local recy cling l ocati on in the U nited S tates a t:
1800RECY CLING .COM or c all 1.8 00.RE CYCLI NG.
ENERGY STAR is a j oint pr ogram o f the U.S .
Environm etal Pr otect ion Agen cy and th e U.S.
Departme nt of Ene rgy hel ping us a ll save
money and pr otect t he envi ronme tal thr ough
energy eff icien t pract ices.
This produ ct defa ult mod e (stan dard mo de) alr eady
pass the Ene rgy sta r test. I f TV set in ot her mod e, may
increase e nergy c onsum ption b eyond t he limi ts
required f or ENER GY STAR qua lific ation .