Chapter 3 Page 45
4. Do one of the following:
To change the password, enter the new password, and hold Option and press
Return .
To delete the password, tap Unassign.
Locking your handheld
You can also lock your handheld so that you need to enter your password to operate it. There are
two ways to lock your handheld: manually and automatically.
Important: If you lock your ha ndheld, you must enter the exact password to re-activate your
handheld. If you forget the password, you need to perform a hard reset to resume
using your handheld. Performing a hard reset deletes all the records in your
handheld; however, you can restore all previously synchronized data at the next
HotSync operation. See page 201 for details.
To lock your handheld manually:
1. Assign a password.
2. Tap Lock & Turn Off.
3. Tap Off & Lock.
4. To start your handheld, turn it on, and then enter the password.
Tap Lock &
Turn Off