Chapter 5 Page 63
5. Hold Option and press Return twice to finish.
You can assign any of your records to the new category.
To rename a category:
1. Tap the category pick list in the upper-right corner of the screen.
2. Tap Edit Categories.
3. Select the category that you want to rename, and then tap Rename.
4. Enter the new name for the category.
5. Hold Option and press Return twice to finish.
Tip: You can group the records in two or more categories into one category by giving the
categories the same name. For example, if you change the name of the Personal
category to Business, all records formerly in the Personal category appear in the
Business category.
Finding records
Your handheld offers several ways to find information quickly:
All applications: The Find utility locates any text that you specify, always starting w ith the
current application.
Date Book Plus, To Do List, Memo Pad: The Phone Number Lookup feature displays the
Contacts list and shows names and phone numbers for entries that have phone numbers. You
can add the information that appears in this list to a re cord.