Chapter 6 Page 83
4. Tap Day, Week, Month, or Year to set how often the event repeats.
Tip: For a continuous event, tap Day.
5. Enter a number that corresponds to how often you want the event to repeat on the Every line.
For example, if you select Month and enter the number 2, the event repeats every other
6. To specify an end date for the repeating or continuous event, tap the End on pick list and tap
Choose Date. Use the date picker to select an end date.
7. Hold Option and press Return to finish.
After you schedule a repeating or continuous event, this icon appears to the far right of the
Changing and deleting repeating or continuous events
If you change or delete a repeating or continuous event you can apply the action to only the
current event, to all instances of the event, or to the current event and instances that follow.
To change or delete repeating events:
1. Select the record you want to change or delete.
2. Tap Details.
3. Enter the change.
4. Hold Option and press Return to accept the change, or tap Delete.
5. Tap one of the following:
Current. Changes or deletes only the current instance of the repeating event.
All. Changes or deletes all past, current, and future occurrences of this event.
Following. Changes or deletes the current event and all future occurrences of this event.