Page 94 Application-Specific Tasks
Display Options
Show Time Bars. Activates the time bars that appear in the Day View.
The time bars show the duration of an event and illustrate event
Compress Day View. Controls how times appear in the Day View. When
Compress Day View is off, all time slots display. When it is on, start and
end times display for each event, but blank time slots toward the
bottom of the screen disappear to minimize scrolling.
Show PM Label. Displays a “p” after PM times.
Show End Times. Displays all time bars and time slots for end times of
an event.
Scroll Before Day Move. Determines whether the front panel scroll
buttons will scroll up and down within the current day before scrolling
to the previous or next day.
Auto-scroll Time. Displays events based on the time of day when the
Day View contains more than one screen of information.
Float Advance at Midnight. Advances floating events to the next day at
midnight of the current day.
Show Completed Floating Events. Displays completed floating events.