Before You Begin

Before You Begin

Any problems that occur as a result of any of the following conditions will not be covered by our warranty.

￿Be careful that no water, dust or sand enters the camera/recorder.

￿When you shoot at a scene which contains an extremely bright object such as the sun or a light source, a bright vertical bar may appear in the picture.

Your camera/recorder is functioning properly, but the solid-state pickup device (C.C.D.) usually causes this as an inherent characteristic. Try to avoid shooting an excessive bright object directly.

￿Be sure not to leave it in a place where the temperature exceeds 120° (49°C), or the pickup device may be damaged.

Dangerous includes:

￿Inside a car with the windows closed and in direct sunshine.

￿Near heating appliances.

￿Do not leave the viewfinder lens facing sunlight for a prolonged period, or the phosphorescent surface of the cathode ray tube or the liquid crystal display (LCD) panel may be damaged.




￿Easy to use

￿24x zoom ratio

￿Instant zoom

￿Multi-function TV / Cam remote control

￿Image stabilization

￿Color electronic viewfinder (EVF)