When to Mow
Most grasses should be mowed
when they have grown 1/2 to 1 inch
above their recommended height.
More frequent mowing is required for mulching than for bagging. For
best results, you may need to mow the lawn twice a week during the
growing season.
Cutting Height
Consult a local nursery or lawn and garden
center for cutting height recommendations
and advice about specific types of grasses
and growing conditions in your area.
If you look closely, you’ll see that most
grass has stems and leaves. If you cut off
the leaves, you’ll scalp the lawn. Let the
grass recover between mowings. Your
mower will work better, and your lawn will
look better.
If your grass gets too tall, cut it once at the highest cutting height
setting, then mow again in 2 or 3 days. Don’t take off more than one
third of total grass height in any one mowing, or brown patches may
Cutting height adjustment is explained on page 16.
Cutting Width
For an even lawn finish, overlap each mowing swath by a few inches. If
the grass is very tall or thick, use more overlap and a narrower mowing
Blade Speed
The blade must spin very fast to cut properly. Always use the FAST
throttle setting, and keep the engine running at maximum rpm.
If engine speed drops, it could mean the engine is being overloaded by
the blade trying to cut too much grass. Mow a narrower swath, move
the mower slower, or raise the cutting height.