MOWER SAFETY ................................. ............... 4
Important information about some specifichazards,
and what you can do to prevent injury.
CONTROLS............................................. ......... 7
Identification of components and informationabout how
the controls work.
BEFORE OPERATION ............................................ 11
How to fuel and check your mower to be sure it is
ready. Howto prepare yourlawn and yourself before
you begin mowing.
OPERATION .................................................... 17
Starting and stopping the engine,safe mowing
practices, and mowing tips.
TRANSPORTING ................................................ 27
How to load and carry your mower safely.
MAINTENANCE ................................................. 28
When andhow to perform routineinspection, service,
and adjustments to keep your mower in good operating
TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................ 40
What to check if you have a problem with your mower.
STORAGE. ..................................................... 42
How toprotect you mowerfrom rust and corrosion,
and ensureit will starteasily when used again.
SPECIFICATIONS................................................ 46
Dimensions, capacities, and other technical information.
ASSEMBLY..................... ................................ 48
How to assemble the mower.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ..................... ................. 50
Additional information,Honda publications available to
you, warranty, and how to contact us if you have a
question ora warranty repair problem.
INDEX ......................................................... 60
QUICK REFERENCE INFORMATION ................... inside back cover