126 Audio Command Center Series Manual — P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010
Programmed Activation by FACP MS-9200(E)
Note that Zone 32 is assigned to all speaker circuits. If an addressable device programmed to Zone
32 is activated, the message will be generated to all speaker circuits. The exception is when one or
more devices programmed to Zones 33 through 40 is also activated and an addressable control
module is used to activate one of the CMD inputs on the ACC-25/50ZS/T. If the newly activated
zone is programmed to activate a message with a higher priority then Zone 32, the higher priority
message will be generated to all circuits.
IMPORTANT! Messages have a priority scheme with Message 1 having the highest priority and
Message 5 having the lowest priority. The highest priority message will always be generated over
all activated speaker circuits.
Speaker Circuit Number Zone Number
All Speaker Circuits (1-24) 32
1 (on ACC-25/50ZS/T) 33
2 (on ACC-25/50ZS/T) 34
3 (on ACC-25/50ZS/T) 35
4 (on ACC-25/50ZS/T) 36
5 (on ACC-25/50ZS/T) 37
6 (on ACC-25/50ZS/T) 38
7 (on ACC-25/50ZS/T) 39
8 (on ACC-25/50ZS/T) 40
9 (on 1st ACC-25/50DAZS) 41
10 (on 1st ACC-25/50DAZS) 42
11 (on 1st ACC-25/50DAZS) 43
12 (on 1st ACC-25/50DAZS) 44
13 (on 1st ACC-25/50DAZS) 45
14 (on 1st ACC-25/50DAZS) 46
15 (on 1st ACC-25/50DAZS) 47
16 (on 1st ACC-25/50DAZS) 48
17 (on 2nd ACC-25/50DAZS) 49
18 (on 2nd ACC-25/50DAZS) 50
19 (on 2nd ACC-25/50DAZS) 51
20 (on 2nd ACC-25/50DAZS) 52
21 (on 2nd ACC-25/50DAZS) 53
22 (on 2nd ACC-25/50DAZS) 54
23 (on 2nd ACC-25/50DAZS) 55
24 (on 2nd ACC-25/50DAZS) 56
Table D.7 Speaker Circuit Zone Assignments