Determining Your Ventilation Needs
How much fresh air do you need?
Goodairqualityisbasedinpartonthe capacityofthehome’sventilationsystem.Usually,theunit’s
capacityismeasuredinCFM(CubicFeetperMinute)or L/s(Literspersecond)offreshairbeingdistributed
in the living space. Use the ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation Standard, the Room Count Calculation Method, or the
Air Change Per Hour (ACH) Method to determine your ventilation needs.
ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation Standard
ASHRAE 62.2 CFM Sizing Chart
Floor Area (ft2)
Number of Bedrooms / CFM
0-1 2-3 4-5 6-7 >7
< 1500 30 45 60 75 90
1501 - 3000 45 60 75 90 105
3001 - 4500 60 75 90 105 120
4501 - 6000 75 90 105 120 135
6001 - 7500 90 105 120 135 150
> 7500 105 120 135 150 165
ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 62.2-2010 - Ventilation Air Requirements; values in cfm
Room Count Calculation Method
Living Space Number of Rooms x CFM (or L/s) =CFM Required
Master Bedroom x 20 cfm (or 10 L/s) =
Basement x 20 cfm (or 10 L/s) =
Singlebedroom x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Living Room x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Dining Room x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Family Room x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Recreation Room x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Other x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Kitchen x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Bathroom x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Laundry Room x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Utility Room x 10 cfm (or 5 L/s) =
Total Ventilation Requirement =
Air Change Per Hour (ACH) Method
1,000sq.ft.x8ft.highx2 (1stfloor+basement)=16,000cu.ft.
16,000cu.ft.x0.35ACH=5,600cubic feetperhour
5,600 cu. ft. / 60 Minutes = 93 cubicfeetperminute(CFM)
93 CFM is your ventilation need
TrueFRESH™ ERV/HRV Ventilation Systems 69-2480EF—05 3