The EA79 operates as follows:
Owning the air venl (turning valve body counterciock-
wise) exposes the EA79 to the system. Water and air may
enter the vent chamber. The float will Mall through any air in
the chamber. This opens Lhc vem seal.
As the air is released through the vent cap, water replaces
vent seat. When additional air enters the vent chanber, Lhc
operation repeats.
If the vent scat remains open, water will rise throilgh the
vcnl aId cause the swelling disks inside tie red cap to close
“SC the vem. Closing ihe air vent (turning valve body clwk-
wise) isolaics the EA79 from lbe syslem, allowing service.
The EA79 may be hot due LO sys~cm ~em~mturc
extremes. USC caution when adjusting vent to prc-
vent burning hands.
The EA79 may become accumulated with dirt in the seat
arca of Ihe float assembly, which may cause the vent LO
malfunction. Periodic cleaning is recommended to prevent
the vent Cram malfunctioning.
NOTE: ThcEA79 may beserviced withoutdcpressurizing
or draining
the system.
To clean the seat arca,
proceed as follows:
1. Turn the vent body clockwise to the closed position,
isolating the vent from the system. See
Fig. 4.
2. Remove the float assembly by unscrewing the outer
ring at the top of Ihe body and lifting up the black cover
assembly. See Fig. 5.
3. Cmhllly clean the seat area of any dim or &&is.
Do not bend spring on float assembly or damage LO
the Yent may result.
4. Carefully clean any dirt or debris from inside the
vent chamber.
5. Replace Lhe float assembly, making sure that the 0
ring is seated properly (see Fig. 5).
6. Replace black cover assembly on air venl body.
7. Using hands only, replace outer ring, turning until
8. OperateLheEA79bytumingtheairvcntbodycounler.
clockwise LO Ihe open position. Use hands only. SIX Fig. 4.
Make sure the red vent cap is tightened all the way
LO the stop position for proper leakage guard operation.
Use hands only to tighten.
Fig. S--En79