DN-6872 • 12/19/02 — Page 3 of 3
GE Series Wiring with AVS44 Sync Module
GEC Models
GEH/GES Models
Horn Ratings over Input Voltage Range of 16 – 33 V
Horn Mode
dBA @ 10' (3.0 48 m )
per UL 464
dBA @ 10' (3.0 48 m )
per UL 464
LOW dB DC (mA) FWR (mA)
16 V 24 V 33 V 16 V 24 V 33 V 16 V 24 V 33 V 1 6 V 24 V 33 V
Temporal 3 2400 Hz 78 83 84 71* 75 77 13 19 24 27 37 43
Temporal 3 Mechanical 76 81 82 7 0* 73* 76 11 16 22 23 33 40
Temporal 3 Chime 70* 71* 71* 66* 68* 70* 9 12 15 19 24 29
Continuous 2400 Hz 81 8 6 87 74* 78 80 14 21 28 21 42 48
Continuous Mechanical 80 84 85 7 2* 76 78 13 18 25 27 37 44
Continuous Chime 70* 71* 73* 66* 68* 70* 10 12 15 19 24 30
Whoop 82 83 83 69* 72* 75 43 51 56 5 1 58 62
TABLE NOTES: 1) *Operating the horn in this mode at this voltage will not meet the minimum UL reverberant sound level
required for public mode fire protective service. These settings are acceptable only for private mode fire alarm use. Use the high
dBA setting for public mode application (not applicable when using the chime tone — the chime tone is always private mode).
2) The sound output for the temporal 3 tone is rated lower, as the time the horn is off is averaged into the sound output rating.
While the horn is producing a tone in the temporal 3 mode, its sound pressure is the same as when in continuous mode.