7 65-0109—8
Table 3. Flame signal.
aThis minimum or stronger signal can be easily obtained if the detector is correctly installed and positioned to properly sense the
flame. Obtain this voltage before completing checkout.
bThe flame amplifiers are Ampli-Check® type.
cAdjust slightly, or face the pipe down, or extend the sight pipe on C7012A,C,E,F applications to obtain a maximum flame signal
reading less than 5.0 volts.
dThe flame signal amplifier circuitry is tested one-half second every five seconds during burner operation and shuts down the
burner if the amplifier fails (all installa tions).
eR7824C, Series 2 or greater, and R7847C, Series 4 or greater, pulse the shutter when the flame signal reaches 1.5 Vdc.
The flame signal for the pilot alone, the main burner flame
alone, and both together must be steady and a minimum of
1.25V. If the flame signal is unsteady, or less than the
minimum acceptable voltage, check the flame detector
installation and circuitry in the following procedure.
1. Check the supply voltages at terminals (L1) and L2 (N).
Make sure the master switch is closed, connection s are
correct, and the power supply is of the correct voltage
and frequency and is sinusoidal.
2. Check the detector wiring for defects including:
a. Incorrect connections.
b. Wrong type of wire.
c. Deteriorated wire.
d. Open circuits.
e. Short circuits.
f. Leakage paths caused by moisture, soot or accu-
mulated dirt.
3. For a flame rod, make sure:
a. There is enough ground area.
b. The flame rod is properly located in the flame.
c. Temperature at the flame rod insulator is no greater
than 500¡F (260¡C).
4. For all optical detectors, clean the detector viewing win-
dow, lens, and inside of the sight pipe as applicable.
5. With the burner running, check the tempera ture at the
detector. If it exceeds the detector maximum rated
a. Add a heat block to stop conducted heat traveling
up the sight pipe.
b. Add a shield or screen to reflect radiated heat.
c. Add cooling (refer to sight pipe ventilation in the
detector Instructions).
6. Make sure that the flame adjustment is not too lean.
7. Make sure the optical detector is properly sighting the
8. If necessary, resight or reposition the detector.
9. If you cannot obtain proper operation, replace the
plug-in amplifier.
10. If you cannot yet obtain proper operatio n, replace the
flame detector.
If you make any changes to the flame detection
system, repeat all required Checkout t ests in
Checkout section of the Instructions for the
applicable 7800 SERIES Relay Module.
Flame Detector Flame Signal Amplifier
Minimum Acceptable
Steady dc VoltageaMaximum Expected dc Voltage
Flame Rod Photocell
C7012A,CcR7847A,Bb1.25 Vdc 5.0 Vdc at Keyboard Display Module
or on volt-ohmmeter.
C7015A R7848A,Bb
C7024E,F R7824Cd,e
C7061A R7861Ad
C7076A,D R7886Ad
C7961E R7851Cd