VisionPROTM TH8000 Series
11 69-2389—03
1Cooling system 0 Compressor and fan turn off
1 Compressor and fan turn on
2 Second stage compressor turns on
2Fan system 0 Fan turns off
1 Fan turns on
3Heating system 0 Heat and fan turn off
1 Heat turns on (fan on if Function 0170 is set for heat pump,
or if Function 0180 is set to “1”) ** See page 6
2 Second stage heat turns on
3 Third stage heat turns on
heating system
0 Heat and fan turn off
1 Heat and fan turn on
5Humidier 0 Off
1 Humidieron
6Dehumidier 0 Off
1 Dehumidieron
7Ventilator 0 Off
1 Ventilator on
System test System status
Compressor protection
is bypassed during test-
ing. To prevent equipment
damage, avoid cycling the
compressor quickly.
Auto Changeover (Setup Function 0300): When set to Auto, the thermostat automatically selects heating
or cooling depending on the indoor temperature. Heat and cool settings must be at least 2 degrees apart. If
function 0380 is set to On, the heat and cool settings must be at least 5 degrees apart.
Remote Sensor (Setup Function 0340): If an optional outdoor sensor is installed, the thermostat can display
the outside temperature. If an optional remote indoor sensor is installed, the thermostat will display the tem-
perature at the sensor location (the internal sensor in the thermostat is not used). A Discharge Air Tempera-
Adaptive Intelligent Recovery (Setup Function 0530): Allows the thermostat to “learn” how long the furnace
and air conditioner take to reach programmed temperature settings, so the temperature is reached at the
scheduled time.
Compressor Protection (Setup Function 0580): Forces the compressor to wait a few minutes before restart-
ing, to prevent damage. During this time, the message “Wait” is displayed.
Dehumidication control (Setup Function 0380): TH8321 models monitor the indoor humidity level and
automatically activate the cooling system to reduce humidity by lowering the temperature by up to 3 degrees
Heat Pump Control — Ele ctric Backup (Setu p Functions 0350 -0360): If an o utdoor temperat ure
sensor is installed, s elect a compresso r lockout temperat ure (Function 03 50). Below this temp erature,
only electric heat ope rates. Also sele ct an auxiliary loc kout temperature ( Function 036 0). Above this
temperature, only the compressor operates. Between these temperatures, both heat sources operate.
Heat Pump Control — Fos sil Fuel Backup (Setup Function 0345):
Option 0 (No Droop Co ntrol): If outdo or temperature is a bove balance point ( Function 0350) , only the
compressor operates. Below this temperature, only backup heat operates.
Option 1 (Droop Con trol): As above, bu t backup heat is acti vated if room temper ature drops to the
selected droop temperature setting (compressor is deactivated).
Option 2: (Droop Co ntrol with Aux Hea t lockout): Compre ssor works only abov e auxiliary lockou t
temperature, backu p heat works only below b alance point, 2° dr oop between temper atures.
If temperature is not r eached in a reasonab le time, set the upstage timer (Func tion 0346). Af ter the
designated time, the compressor will be deactivated and the system will switch to backup heat.
Ventilation Control (Setup Functions 0400 -0432): If th e system includes a se lf-powered ventila tion unit
(Function 0400 ), the home can be ventil ated on demand. Ventil ation can also be loc ked out based on high
and low outdoor temperature (Function 0431 & 0432)—outdoor temperature sensor required.
Dehumidification Away Mode (Setup Functions 0390 -0394): This f eature is useful f or homes in southern
climates. It allows humi dity control whe n the the home is unoccu pied for long perio ds during the hot/ humid
season. You can contro l temperature (Fu nction 0393) and d ehumidificatio n (Function 039 4) while away. You
can control humidit y with a dehumidifie r or a cooling system ( Function 0379). I f a cooling system is us ed,
humidity is control led by cooling indoor a ir to the Low Limit Tempera ture (Function 0 392). When the des ired
humidity is reached, t he system will maint ain the temperatu re you select in Funct ion 0393.
Indoor Air Quality Device (Setup Function 0371): This feature allows the thermostat to control one of the fol-
Special functionsInstaller system test