Getting Started

Important PreliminariesTurning the Calculator On and Off

To turn the calculator on, press †. ON is printed below the key.

To turn the calculator off, press . That is, press and release the { shift key, then press †(which has OFF printed in blue above it). Since the calculator has Continuous Memory, turning it off does not affect any information you've stored, (You can also press z … to turn the calculator off.)

To conserve energy, the calculator turns itself off after 10 minutes of no use. If you see the low–power indicator ( ¤) in the display, replace the batteries as soon as possible. See appendix A for instructions.

Adjusting Display Contrast

Display contrast depends on lighting, viewing angle, and the contrast setting. To increase or decrease the contrast, hold down the †key and press ™or


Highlights of the Keyboard an DisplayShifted Keys

Each key has three functions: one printed on its face, a left–shifted function (orange), and a right–shifted function (blue). The shifted function

Getting Started 1–1

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm