Command Line Interface Reference Guide




Example Commands

Example commands and their output appear in the Courier type face. For example:

ProCurve(config)# clear public-key ProCurve(config)# show ip client-public-key show_client_public_key: cannot stat keyfile

Port Numbering Conventions

ProCurve chassis switches designate individual ports with a letter/number combination to show the slot in which the port is found and the sequential number the port has in that slot (A1, A2, B1, B2, etc.)


You need the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader to view, print, and/or copy ProCurve Networking product documentation.

1.Go to the ProCurve Networking Web site at []

2.Click on Support, and then Manuals.

3.Click on the name of the product for which you want documentation.

4.On the resulting Web page, double-click on a document you want to view or download.


To access the online help, type the command, followed by a space, then press the [Tab] key.

List Available Commands

Type “?” to list available commands. Typing the ? symbol lists the commands you can execute at the current privilege level.

Use [Tab] to search for or complete a command word. You can use [Tab] to help you find CLI commands or to quickly complete the current word in a command. To do so, type one or more consecutive characters in a command and then press [Tab] (with no spaces allowed). Pressing [Tab] after a completed command word lists the further options for that command.

Options Available in Current Context

You can use the CLI to remind you of the options available for a command by entering command keywords followed by ?.

Displaying Command-List Help

Syntax: help

Displays a listing of command help summaries for all commands available at the current privilege level. That is, at the Operator level, executing help displays the help summaries only for Operator-Level commands. At the Manager level, executing help displays the help summaries for both the Operator and Manager levels, and so on.

Displaying Help for an Individual Command


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