Computer Setup

Computer Setup (Continued)








Power-On Options

• Option ROM prompt (enable/disable)



Enabling this feature will cause the



system to prompt the user before loading



options ROMs. (This feature is supported



on select models only.)



• Remote wakeup boot source (remote



server/local hard drive)



• UUID (Universal Unique Identifier)



(enable/disable) Every Compaq computer



has a unique identifier (serial number,



date/time of manufacture, etc). Enabling



this feature allows software (drivers,



network, etc) to read the computer’s



unique number.



• POST Delay (in seconds)



(enable/disable) Enabling this feature will



add a user specified delay to the POST



process. This delay is sometimes needed



for hard disks that spin up very slowly; so



slowly that they are not ready to boot by



the time POST is finished.

Support for Computer Setup options may vary depending on your specific hardware configuration.

* These options should be used by advanced users only.


Computer Setup Guide