Computer Setup

Computer Setup (Continued)








Master Boot Record

Allows you to enable or disable Master Boot



Record (MBR) Security.



When enabled, the BIOS rejects all requests



to write to the MBR on the current bootable



disk. Each time the computer is powered on



or rebooted, the BIOS compares the MBR of



the current bootable disk to the



previously-saved MBR. If changes are



detected, you are given the option of saving



the MBR on the current bootable disk,



restoring the previously-saved MBR, or



disabling MBR Security. You must know the



setup password, if one is set.



Disable MBR Security before



intentionally changing the formatting or



partitioning of the current bootable disk.



Several disk utilities (such as FDISK and



FORMAT) attempt to update the MBR. If



MBR Security is enabled and disk



accesses are being serviced by the



BIOS, write requests to the MBR are



rejected, causing the utilities to report



errors. If MBR Security is enabled and



disk accesses are being serviced by the



operating system, any MBR change will



be detected by the BIOS during the next



reboot, and an MBR Security warning



message will be displayed.

Support for Computer Setup options may vary depending on your specific hardware configuration.

*Option not supported on all products.

Computer Setup Guide