To meet the need for battery run time accuracy, Compaq is now
The Calibration utility simplifies the process by running all necessary actions (charge, discharge and recharge) in the background, allowing the computer to be used freely throughout the entire Calibration process. It includes a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that clearly identifies when the battery needs calibration, eliminating guesswork for the user.
The battery Calibration utility is incorporated in the Compaq Power Management suite (commonly referred to as PowerCon32) for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000. To use the Battery Calibration utility, follow the instructions below for the appropriate OS.
ST E P S T O CA L I B R A T E U N D E R WI N D O WS 95 / WI N D O WS 98 / WI N D O WS NT
(Using the Compaq Power Management Suite version 3.x and prior)
Attach AC Power Cord and do not remove until Calibration is complete. If removed, Calibration must be started over.
Go to:
•Start / Settings / Control Panel / Power Management / Battery Calibration tab (or use
•Under the Battery Calibration tab is located the battery status box
•Status of all batteries in the notebook is reported as either " Needs Calibration" or "OK"
Calibration process:
•Highlight the battery you desire to Calibrate
•Click on Start Calibration button - Status box reports "Calibrating"
•Allow system to run the Calibration process completely. The Calibration process may take up to
•When complete, the Status box will indicate show "OK"
•Calibration is now complete
Notes about Calibration:
•Calibration runs in the background and system can be fully utilized during this process
•Calibration can be stopped with the same button that activates it
•System will offer to
•The battery may be Calibrated overnight, unattended, if mobility is required during the day
•As noted in the
ST E P S T O CA L I B R A T E U N D E R WI N D O WS 2000
Attach the AC Power Cord and do not remove until Calibration is complete. If removed, Calibration must be started over.