3.Wipe the sensor with one of the cotton swabs provided in the User Maintenance Kit, slightly dampened with 95% ethanol, to remove dried ink.

NOTE: 95% ethanol is not provided in the User Maintenance Kit.

If the sensor window is heavily coated with dried ink, you may need to apply some pressure while wiping, helping the cotton to absorb the ink. Continue cleaning with fresh swabs until the cotton stays clean and the sensor window looks clean. When reflecting ambient light, a clean sensor shows a blue-colored reflection that should extend uniformly across its whole surface. You can see this reflection by moving closer and slightly changing your angle of view.

4.Remove the 95% ethanol and the cotton swabs from the vicinity of the printer.

5.Wait three or four minutes to let the ethanol evaporate, before turning on the printer and reloading the substrate.

Lubricate the printhead carriage

The printhead carriage occasionally (about four times a year) needs lubrication so that it continues to slide easily along the slider rod. This is recommended by the front panel when the time comes.

1.To gain access to the carriage, go to the front panel and select the icon, then select Carriage roller lubrication. The carriage slides to the middle section of the printer.

CAUTION: If the carriage remains in the central part of the printer for more than 7 minutes, it attempts to return to its home position on the right.

2.Take the bottle of oil from the User Maintenance Kit that is supplied with your printer. A replacement kit can be ordered if necessary.

3.Unlock and open the printer window.

Maintain hardware


Lubricate the printhead carriage 19