images Troubleshoot

If you notice such a problem, there are various possible solutions.

At the front panel, select the icon, then select Image quality maintenance > Enable color variation correction. This correction will then remain enabled until you disable it.

If you notice the variation in intensity near one side of the print, try rotating the image by 180 degrees before printing. This may solve the problem in some cases, as all the nozzles are refreshed whenever they enter the service station between passes.

Use your RIP to add lateral color bars on the side of the plot that is close to the ink supplies. The color bars are designed to exercise all the printhead nozzles, to prevent the problem from occurring.

NOTE: Not all RIPs provide this option.

Add lateral color bars to the image, manually, before printing. In this case, you can either use the standard colors, or decide to include a particular color in which you have noticed the problem. The recommended width of each color bar is 3 mm.

Lack of sharpness

If text, lines or solid areas are rough or blurred, the printheads may be misaligned. This is likely if you have not aligned the printheads for a long time, or if there has been a substrate jam. Align the printheads if necessary (see Align the printheads on page 9). You can check whether it is necessary by using the printhead status plot (see Use the printhead status plot on page 54).

Black areas look hazy

If black areas look hazy or not sufficiently black, try these suggestions.

Increase the number of passes.

Laminate the print.

See Color reproduction tricks on page 53.


Chapter 6 Troubleshoot print-quality issues