Tiling issues

The most common problems when printing tiles are as follows.

Color degradation within individual tiles

In many cases, individual tiles are long and contain very large areas of solid colors. This combination (long areas of saturated solid colors) may lead to a degradation of printhead performance, which can then cause degradation of the color inside the tile. To solve this problem,

go to the front panel and select the icon, then Image quality maintenance > Enable extra PH cleaning. Remember to disable this option when you no longer need it, because it shortens the life of the printhead cleaning kit.

Color variation tile to tile

In some cases contiguous tiles with the same background solid color may show differences in color between the right side of the first tile and the left side of the second tile. This is a common issue of inkjet printers (both thermal inkjet and piezo inkjet), where there are slight color variations as the swath advances. Since the biggest color differences are between the left edge and the right edge, the effect may sometimes be seen when putting two tiles together. This issue can easily be overcome by inverting alternate tiles, which has the effect of placing the right side of the first plot next to the right side of the second plot and the left side of the second plot next to the left side of the third, so all contiguous areas have been printed in the same point of the swath and, hence, have the same color. This is a feature that all RIPs have available.

Dimensional variations from tile to tile

Some specific banner substrates may not have uniform dimensional stability when printing very long tiles. The result is that the length of the tile may be different between the left and the right side (e.g. a 9 meters long tile may be ~1 cm longer on the right side compared to the left side). While this is not noticeable with individual plots, it affects the alignment between panels in tiling applications. Substrate types that show this behavior tend to show it constantly along the roll. So, when present, this issue can easily be overcome by inverting alternative tiles, which has the effect of placing the right side of the first plot next to the right side of the second plot and the left side of the second plot next to the left side of the third, so all contiguous areas belong to the same side of the roll and, hence, have the same length. This is a feature that all RIPs have available.

Troubleshoot images


Tiling issues 63