Go to:
•Start / Settings / Control Panel / Power Options / Compaq Power (or use
•Under the Compaq Power tab is located the battery status boxes.
•Status of all batteries in the notebook is reported by percentage of charge and if Calibration is required, a Calibrate button is visible for each battery that requires Calibration
Calibration process:
•Go to Power Schemes tab and set Standby settings to never
•Go back to Compaq Power tab
•Highlight the battery you desire to Calibrate
•Click on Calibration button
•A Calibrate box opens and asks “Start Calibration” - click "Yes"
•Allow system to run the Calibration process completely. The Calibration process may take up to
•When complete, Status box will show only percentage of charge. The calibration button is not visible until the battery requires Calibration again
•The user may return to Power Schemes and activate the type of power management setting they desire
Notes about Calibration:
•Calibration runs in the background and system can be fully utilized during this process
•Calibration can be stopped with the same button that activates it
•System will offer to
•The battery may be Calibrated overnight, unattended, if mobility is required during the day
•As noted in the