Error Messages and Codes

Table A-2. (Continued)

Power-On Self Test (POST) Messages

Error Message

Probable Cause

1785-MultiBay incorrectly installed For integrated MultiBay/ USDT systems: MultiBay device not properly seated. or

MultiBay riser not properly seated.

1794--Inaccessible device attached to SATA 1

(for systems with 2 SATA ports)

A device is attached to SATA 1. Any device attached to this connector will be inaccessible while “SATA Emulation” is set to “Combined IDE Controller” in Computer Setup.

1794-Inaccessible devices attached to SATA 1 and/or SATA 5 (for systems with 4 SATA ports)

A device is attached to SATA 1 and/or SATA 5.

Devices attached to these connectors will be inaccessible while “SATA Emulation” is set to “Combined IDE Controller” in Computer Setup

1796-SATA Cabling Error

One or more SATA devices are improperly attached. For optimal


performance, the SATA 0 and SATA 1 connectors must be used before


SATA 2 and SATA 3.



1801-Microcode Patch Error

A processor is installed for which the BIOS ROM has no patch.


Check for ROM update.



1803-Processor feature set is

Processor cannot support current systems settings (processor


does not support TxT)



1804-Processor feature set and

Incompatible memory configuration (TxT enabled and systems

memory configuration are

has more than 4GB of memory)





2201-MEBx module did not

Corrupt MEBx

checksum correctly




2203-Setup error during MEBx

Corrupt MEBx





2204-Inventory error during

AMT inventory failed

MEBx execution




2205-Interface error during

HECI interface failed

MEBx execution




2207-AMT connection error

AMT settings

during MEBx execution




2208-Timeout Error

MEBx timed out



2209-USB Provisioning Error

MEBx provisioning failed



2210-Parameters Frame Error

MEBx parameters frame error




Technical Reference Guide