time of measurement.
(9)The revised Blue Angel criteria for printers (RAL-UZ 85) and multifunction devices (RAL-UZ 114) of the German Federal Environmental Agency are in effect as of 2004. As of 2007, they are replaced by RAL-UZ 122 (printers, copiers, multifunction devices).
(10)ECMA-328 is a standard measurement procedure for determining chemical emissions from electronic equipment for private and professional use, e.g. ozone, dust and volatile organic compounds.
(11)Deutscher Bundestag [German Parliament], Answer of the German Bundesregierung [Federal Government], printed publication 16/4016, 2007.
(12)Umweltbundesamt (UBA) (German Federal Environmental Agency), Untersuchungen zur Freisetzung feiner und ultrafeiner Partikel beim Betrieb von Laserdruck-Geraeten (Studies on the release of fine and ultrafine particles during the operation of laser printing devices), Bake/Moriske, 2006
(13)Particle measurements of hardcopy devices, in: HB 2006 healthy buildings - proceedings, Wensing et al., 2006.
(14)Blootstelling aan tonerstof bij kopieer-, en printerapparatuur (Exposure to toner dust by photocopiers and printers), in: Tijdschrift voor toegepaste Arbowetenschap 4, Zaat et al., 2006.
(15)Landesministerium fuer Soziales, Familie und Gesundheit, Thueringen (Ministry of Health, Family and Social Affairs of Thuringia), Asthma bronchiale durch Tonerstaub? (Bronchial asthma due to toner dust?), Mueller/Wappler, 2001.
(16)Gesundheitsgefahren durch Laserdrucker? (Health hazards caused by laser printers?), in: Gefahrstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft 7/8, Smola et al., 2002.
(17)Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut fuer Arbeitsschutz (BGIA)/Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft (VBG) (German BG-Institute for Occupational Safety and Health/German Professional Association for the Administrative Sector), Laserdrucker sicher betreiben (Safe operation of laser printers), in: Schriftenreihe Praevention SP 2.3 (BGI 820), 2006.
(18)Bundesinstitut fuer Risikobewertung (BfR) (German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment), Report of the BfR,
21 February 2007.
(19)Bundesinstitut fuer Risikobewertung (BfR) [German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment], Report of the BfR,
25 January 2007.
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